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$149 / 5 mL


Latisse® is a product used to lengthen and thicken eyelashes. It works by causing the body to hold onto each individual eyelash for a longer period of time, so not only will there be a larger number of eyelashes, but each of them will grow longer as well. Prior to purchasing Latisse®, a prescription is required and a physician must discuss its use and possible side effects with the patient. If interested in trying Latisse®, please schedule a consultation or give our office a call.


Anybody who is interested in having longer, fuller lashes is a good candidate to try Latisse®. Please see Allergan's website for before/after photos. Latisse must be used for up to 3-4 months before maximal results are visible. No results are guaranteed, but most patients do notice a positive difference in their lashes after at least 2 months of use. Once the maximal effect is reached, Latisse® does not need to be used every day. Once Latisse® is discontinued, the lashes will revert to their pre-treatment density and length.


Yes, Latisse® is FDA approved. It is similar medication used to treat glaucoma, so if any eye issues are present, the patient should check with their physician prior to starting Latisse®. Latisse® can cause local irritation of the eyelid when first starting to it, but that does improve over time. Discontinue use if this irritation does not go away or gets more severe. Patients with light colored eyes should take care not to apply an excess amount or get any of the product in the eye itself, as it can cause permanent discoloration of the iris if used for a prolonged period of time.

Before and after*

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