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$4,900 - $5,900
Cost varies with general/sedation vs local anesthesia

Prices include surgeon, OR and anesthesia fee. Subject to change. Provided as an estimate and may be higher or lower depending on complexity.


Labiaplasty is a procedure used to improve the appearance of the visible portion of female genitalia. It involves decreasing the size of the inner or outer labia to make them less protruding and less visible in tight clothing such as swimsuits and sportswear. This procedure is rarely covered by insurance.


Labiaplasty is performed in an outpatient surgery center under local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia, whichever the patient is most comfortable with. Surgery usually takes 1 hour. During surgery, local anesthetic is injected into the inner labia, excess tissue is removed and the inciscion is closed with dissolvable sutures. Either a trim or a wedge technique is used depending on what your goals are. A clitoral hood reduction can be part of this surgery as well.


Recovery differs for each patient - some patients find they have very little pain, whereas others need prescription pain medications for several days afterwards. Patients will be given prescriptions for pain medications, antibiotics and sometimes a steroid to help with swelling. After surgery patients may go to the bathroom normally. Patients find it may be comfortable to soak in a shallow bath for the first couple of days. After labiaplasty, patients need to avoid using tampons, sexual intercourse or any traumatic activities to the perineum (such as riding a bike) for 4-6 weeks to allow all incisions to heal.

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